Warranty & Return Policy
Race German has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you do not love the product(s) you received, we suggest you return it. You may return any new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund. If after 14 days, you can return unopened items for store credit. If the seal on the package is opened, but the product is not washed or used, you may return for a store credit within 10 days. The customer will be responsible for all shipping charges back to us. If the return is a result of our error (ie. incorrect item, size, or defective), we’ll pay for the return shipping costs. All returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee depending on the product and return shipping is the customer's responsibility. Orders outside of North America are ineligible for returns or exchanges.
If your item was shipped directly from the manufacturer, please do not send your purchase back to them. All returns will go through Race German LLC.
Race German now offers low flat rate shipping on all orders in the 48 contiguous United States. If for some reason you enter your shipping address incorrectly and your order is returned to us, the customer will need to pay for the return shipping back to them or your order will be refunded.
Once your return is received, we will perform a thorough inspection and email you to notify you that we have received and inspected the item. If accepted, you should expect to receive your refund within 10 business days of us receiving the product. All refunds are done through your credit card company. If you have not received your refund after 10 business days, please check with your credit card company or bank.
Sale or clearance items may not be refunded.
To start the return process please visit the return center (https://racegerman.com/pages/returns-center).
Please return all items to
Race German LLC
4921 Lena Rd. Ste 114
Bradenton, FL 34211
All Race German branded items will carry a 1 year warranty of any defects from the date of the sale. 3rd party items carry various warranties and you will need to go through the original manufacturer to claim. If you have any questions about the warranty on the product you purchased, please email us at info@racegerman.com.
Race German LLC is not responsible for any packages shipped back to us. If your item is over $50, we suggest you consider paying for a mail service with tracking and insurance. Race German does not guarantee that we will receive the returned item. If your return package is lost, you will need to contact the shipping carrier to do an investigation.